Ben Slater is Instaclustr’s newly appointed Chief Product Officer and he has been charged with steering our development roadmap and overseeing the engineering of our products and managing our production support team.

Ben has over 20 years experience in systems development including previous stints with a software product company and, for the last 10 years, running large teams for Accenture, a leading global system integrator. He has extensive experience in managing development teams and implementing quality controlled engineering practices.

One of our focuses at Instaclustr lately has been expanding the platforms on which you can take advantage of our service. We were very excited to announce availability of Instaclustr services on Azure this week, adding to our existing Amazon Web Services offering.  

Using CoreOs and Docker as the basis for our customer Cassandra node architecture helps us to minimise the work required to support different cloud providers and maintain consistency across those platforms. However, each provider has different APIs for provisioning servers, managing network and security configuration etc. so the time and effort involved in adding a new provider is not trivial.

The future platforms on our development roadmap include Google Compute Platform and IBM SoftLayer. If you have an interest in these, or another platform, then please let us know as we’d love to have identified early adopters and in return we can ensure we develop a service that meets your needs as well as providing favourable commercial terms.

The other space we’ve been looking at is the platform-as-a-service providers such as Heroku and IBM Blue Mix. We already have a number of customers hosting their applications on Heroku and using Instaclustr managed Apache Cassandra offering. At the moment, this requires some assistance from our support team to configure security and network integration. However, in the short term we plan to provide the tools to allow customers to easily configure this integration themselves. Full integrations with these platforms is likely a little further off but definitely on our radar.

Are we missing support of a platform that’s important to you? If so, please let us know so we can consider it in our roadmap or see if we have a creative way to meet your requirement now.

If you’re a current or prospective customer and have feature you would like to see then let me know via email at [email protected] or twitter @slater_ben.