Instaclustr is happy to announce beta availability of Cassandra 3.5 through our Managed Cassandra service. Cassandra 3.x represents a major step forward for the Cassandra project with new functionality and significant performance improvements. Instaclustr has been monitoring the increase production use and maturity of Cassandra 3 and we are now confident in offering it through our managed service.

We expect to Cassandra 3.5 to be in beta status for 4-6 weeks, after which it will move to full release and be covered by full production SLAs. For customers wishing to move more quickly to production with Cassandra 3.5, we will be prepared to offer full production support after execution of an agreed testing plan.

Some of the key new features in Cassandra 3.5 (compared to 2.2) include:

Keep an eye out for future blog post from Instaclustr working through these and other features in Cassandra 3 in detail.

Should you have any questions regarding Instaclustr’s support of Cassandra 3 please contact [email protected]