With the current outbreak of Coronavirus (Covid-19), Instaclustr has started to receive questions about our response to the potential pandemic, and whether our customers should expect any interruption to their services. Instaclustr has activated our Business Continuity Plan (BCP). Importantly, our BCP is designed to ensure that no one event can interrupt services to our customers. 

Operationally, our procedures are designed to ensure that Instaclustr’s managed services do not rely on our team being present in any specific location. Instaclustr’s management network is hosted in AWS. Customer clusters are hosted in the Cloud provider of their choice. As all our infrastructure is cloud based, access is in no way reliant on physical location. Of course, our team is critical to our success, so we have put several measures in place to ensure that we have our team as happy and healthy as we can during such an event. As such, the following procedures are in place during the current outbreak of Covid-19: 

  • Our disaster management team is monitoring the spread of the virus throughout the world. Specifically, this team monitors Australian, US and UK government health and travel websites for updated information. As events progress, this team determines what additional measures Instaclustr should put in place. 
  • Currently, Instaclustr is prohibiting business travel to regions declared “hot spots”, and is monitoring personal travel. In the event that one of our team has potentially been exposed to the virus, we are requiring that they self-quarantine for 14 days. Our security architecture allows our team to work from home, so their availability is not significantly affected. 
  • During this time, we may require that our consultants not travel to locations for consulting projects. In which case, we would either delay the project, or do the work remotely.
  • If a team member shows flu-like symptoms, they are asked to work from home until the symptoms have passed. 
  • In the event that one or more of our offices are closed due to the virus or any other event (like the recent bushfire-related air quality incidents in Canberra), our team is able to work remotely to continue to service our customers. 
  • We are also monitoring our key providers to ensure that their pandemic response will continue to support Instaclustr in providing the service you expect from us.

With these measures in place, we do not currently anticipate any degradation in service (including non-urgent requests) as a result of the Coronavirus outbreak. In the unlikely event that, despite these measures, we experience a significant level of sickness in our workforce, we will prioritize operational work to ensure continued availability of customer clusters and are highly confident in continuing to meet all relevant SLAs through this period.