
Instaclustr provides a wide range of education, training, and knowledge transfer services. We specialize in delivering bespoke training solutions for our customers in our supported technologies for architects, developers, and operators of open source solutions.
Open source training, anywhere, anytime
Instaclustr delivers a diverse range of specialized and advanced training courses for our customers. We deliver tailored and customized training packages that are flexible in content and delivery methods. Our learning platform provides a deep interactive experience for all participants and is suitable for architects, developers, and operators of our supported technologies. Review our training packages below, or get in touch for a custom engagement.
Training solutions
Our training focuses on the true open source versions of the technologies that we support. Our training solutions are focused on three key areas:
  • Customized Training Solutions

    For our customers, we provide tailored training solutions for the full range of our supported technologies for architects, developers, and operators.

  • Standard Workshops

    We deliver a suite of standard workshops covering deep learning for our core technologies: Apache Cassandra®, Apache Kafka®, Apache Spark™, OpenSearch®, and Redis™.

Train With Instaclustr and OpenSI

Instaclustr, in partnership with the University of Canberra, has formed a not-for-profit open source foundation called OpenSI. Our first offering is a 6-week course in Apache Kafka®, that will advance your software engineering or system administration career, and enable you to acquire the fundamental skills required to develop and operate one of the world’s most advanced and influential technologies.
Following this, OpenSI will offer courses in Apache Cassandra® and PostgreSQL®
Developer Training and Certification for Apache Kafka

Participants of this course will:

  • Understand the fundamentals of Apache Kafka, including core concepts, architecture, and the ecosystem.
  • Learn to build and manage Kafka clusters using industry best practices.
  • Learn to configure, monitor, and troubleshoot Kafka clusters.
  • Learn how to code and build applications that publish and consume data from a Kafka cluster.
  • Learn advanced concepts, including security and core supporting tools, and ecosystem services.
  • Gain certification as a developer for Apache Kafka after completing all modules, corresponding practical workshops, and an optional exam.

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