• Redis
  • Technical
Instaclustr Announces the General Availability of Instaclustr for Redis™ on Graviton 2

Instaclustr is pleased to announce the general availability of Instaclustr for Redis on Graviton 2 processors. These processors offer higher performance per core and lower infrastructure costs, providing extra value for customers using the Instaclustr Managed Platform on AWS.

Graviton 2 infrastructure is approximately 20% cheaper than other equivalent instances using the same number of vCPUs and the same amount of RAM when you run in your own account. Our tests show an average 7% performance increase for Redis on Graviton 2. The new node types also deliver latency reductions in P50, P95, and P99 (of 5.2%, 10.5%, and 15.2% respectively) as well as 17% lower cost per gigabyte of RAM for Redis workloads that need more storage. Below is an indicative performance graph on nodes of each type with four vCPUs.

The extra performance and savings translate into a much larger number of queries per second on infrastructure at the same price point.

These large gains per dollar sit on top of Instaclustr’s operating system and Redis performance optimizations on the Managed Platform. These already deliver significant gains over a default unoptimized self-managed deployments.

Many companies struggle to take advantage of Graviton 2 because it requires that their staff ensure their operating system, monitoring, tooling, backups, and the product itself are all compiled and tested for the new CPU architecture. This increased infrastructure and testing overhead continues throughout the product lifecycle at each of these layers. At Instaclustr we’ve done months of engineering work across our Redis, Platform, and Monitoring teams so that you can easily use Instaclustr for Redis on Graviton 2.

Instaclustr for Redis is available on Graviton 2 in all major AWS regions. Instaclustr for Redis is fully managed and delivers:

  • A high-performance, high-availability, scalable in-memory data structure cluster
  • Easy-to-use web console and API-based monitoring and deployment
  • SOC 2 security compliance
  • 99.99% enterprise SLA
  • Responsive 24×7 support from Instaclustr’s expert team

Contact our Support or Customer Success teams if you have any questions. New customers can use a free trial of Instaclustr for Redis here or contact the Instaclustr Sales team.

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