Instaclustr is pleased to announce the immediate availability of Instaclustr for Apache ZooKeeper ® 3.8.2 on our managed platform. 

ZooKeeper 3.8.2 is the first release of ZooKeeper 3.8 which we’re making available on our managed platform. With this release, ZooKeeper 3.7.1—which is currently generally available on our platform—will be moved to the lifecycle state of Deprecated in November 2023. 

Between ZooKeeper 3.7.1, released by the Apache ZooKeeper project in May 2022, and 3.8.2 which was released in July 2023, a lot has been fixed, improved, and added. However, there are some major new features we’d like to draw our customers’ attention to: 

  • Migration from Apache Log4j to Logback: As part of ZOOKEEPER-4427 due to the recurring discovery of major security vulnerabilities in log4j, the decision was made to move to another logging library—Logback. 
  • Ability to read key/trust store passwords from files: In previous versions key/trust store passwords were required to be specified in plain text via system or config properties. With this change, these passwords can be provided with better security by being stored in files access which can be restricted by limiting permissions on them. More information on this change is available on ZOOKEEPER-4396. 
  • Upgrades to lots of used components and libraries like Netty, Jetty, Jackson, Commons CLI, snappy-java, etc. 
  • Fixes to lots of CVEs directly and indirectly (due to upgrades to used components and libraries). Details can be found in the ZooKeeper 3.8.2 release notes. 

We encourage you to try the new ZooKeeper version in your non-production environments first to confirm compatibility with your clients before using it in production environments.  

If you need any help with upgrading to this version or spinning up new ZooKeeper clusters, please feel free to get in touch with us via our support website.