In the table definition, a clustering column is a column that is part of the compound primary key definition, but not the first column, which is the position reserved for the partition key. Columns are clustered in multiple rows within a single partition. The clustering order is determined by the position of columns in the compound primary key definition.
- Apache Kafka
- Dev Rel
Why is Apache Kafka® Tiered Storage more like a dam than a fountain? Part 3: Kafka time and space
At a medieval feast where food is better! This picture illustrate the theme of this and the next blog: “more is often better”! (Source: Adobe Stock) In two recent blogs, I investigated the new Apache Kafka® Tiered Storage architecture which enables Kafka to stream more (essentially unlimited data) for less cost (by storing more older…
- ClickHouse
- Dev Rel
It’s a ClickHouse® Christmas!
All I want for Christmas is…a new real-time stream processing technology: ClickHouse!
- Dev Rel
- OpenSearch
Learning OpenSearch from scratch, part 2: Digging deeper
Welcome back! This series–Learning OpenSearch from Scratch–explores my learning process for OpenSearch®. My aim of this series is more conceptual; if you’re looking for a hands-on tutorial using OpenSearch, check out my OpenSearch 101 post and video. In the first post I covered the basics of OpenSearch. Now, at this point in the learning journey,…