Instaclustr is pleased to announce the general availability of Apache Cassandra® version 4.0.4 and 3.11.13 on the Instaclustr platform.

Apache Cassandra® new versions for the 4.0 and 3.0 major versions are now generally available on Instaclustr’s managed platform. For the 4.0 major version, Java 11 has shifted from experimental to fully supported with new features introduced in 4.0.1. New and existing customers are recommended to use Apache Cassandra 4.0.4 for their clusters on Instaclustr’s managed platform. 

Below are the fixes that are included in Apache Cassandra 4.0 and 3.0 major versions. Please be in contact with our Support team for assistance where the following items require changes to the configuration of your Cassandra fleet.

  • Correction to unit values for Setting the Stream throughput – for customers this will affect setters and getters in JMX MBean and the nodetool commands (for details see CASSANDRA-17243). Instaclustr Cassandra customers may see a lower stream throughput than what was applied in previous versions as a result of the unit value correction.
  • Internode messaging improvement – inbound and outbound byte shuffles for internode messaging were renamed (for details see CASSANDRA-15066). For Instaclustr customers on Cassandra 3.0 major versions, the improvements have backward compatibility that support upgrades between versions from Cassandra 3.0 to 4.0 major versions.
  • Update to jcrypt library from 0.3m to 0.4 causes ‘fail to start’ error – Please contact our Support team for customers that are seeking guidance to upgrade from 3.0 to 4.0 major versions (for details see CASSANDRA-9384).
  • Packet coalescing is deprecated – The Apache Cassandra project has deprecated packet coalescing and our Cassandra customers can expect a lower throughput as a result. Note that the Apache Cassandra project has advised that packet coalescing will be removed (at the earliest) with the next major release.

For new customers, we recommend using version 4.0.4 for your Cassandra clusters on Instaclustr’s managed platform to gain the full benefit of Cassandra. For existing customers who are currently running an older version and wish to upgrade, please contact our Support team for assistance.