• Apache Kafka
  • Technical
Apache Kafka® 2.0.1 and 2.1.0 – Now Available on Instaclustr Managed Platform

Apache Kafka 2.0.1 and 2.1.0 Now Available on Instaclustr Managed Platform

Instaclustr is pleased to announce immediate general availability of Apache Kafka 2.0.1 and Apache Kafka 2.1.0 on the Instaclustr Managed Platform. These release provide a wide range of enhancements to and bug fixes for the capabilities of Apache Kafka. You can view the full release notes here:

Delivered through the Instaclustr Platform, Instaclustr’s Managed Apache Kafka provides the management features that have made Instaclustr’s Managed Apache Cassandra the leading managed service for Cassandra:

  • Support on AWS, Azure, GCP and IBM cloud
  • Automated provisioning and configuration of clusters with Kafka and Zookeeper
  • Run in our cloud provider account with a fixed, infrastructure inclusive, cost or use your own cloud provider account
  • Provision, configure and monitor your cluster using the Instaclustr Console or REST APIs.
  • Management of access via IP ranges or security groups.
  • Option of connection to your cluster using public IPs or private IPs and VPC peering.
  • Private network clusters with no public IPs.
  • Covered by Instaclustr’s SOC2 certification
  • Highly responsive, enterprise-grade, 24×7 support from Instaclustr’s renowned support team.

This release is one of a series of enhancements underway to Instaclustr’s Managed Apache Kafka service – look out for more announcements in the near future.

For more information on Instaclustr’s Managed Apache Kafka offering please contact [email protected] or sign up for a free trial.

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