Instaclustr, the leading provider of fully managed solutions for scalable open source technologies, today announced the general availability of Instaclustr Managed Apache ZooKeeper. The addition of Apache ZooKeeper expands Instaclustr’s offerings for deploying, managing, analyzing, optimizing, and monitoring all components of enterprises’ data layer and related infrastructure.

Multiple Apache projects leverage Apache ZooKeeper as a central service responsible for coordinating and managing configuration in distributed applications. Instaclustr has extensive experience with Apache ZooKeeper as a component of the Apache Kafka project.  Beyond Apache Kafka, Apache Flink requires ZooKeeper for leader election when running in high availability mode and Apache Pinot requires ZooKeeper for the storage of segment information. These use cases require the customer to have the expertise to both run and maintain the main application as well as ZooKeeper.

Instaclustr is now offering Managed Apache ZooKeeper, providing the foundations to run applications that leverage ZooKeeper’s strength as a central service responsible for coordinating and managing configuration in distributed applications. ZooKeeper’s applications are not limited to Apache projects, as they can also be used in custom applications.

“The addition of Managed Apache ZooKeeper to the Instaclustr Managed Platform provides Instaclustr customers with a viable alternative for running ZooKeeper and allows them to concentrate on other open source data applications. Adding ZooKeeper to our offering was a natural progression based on our extensive experience with ZooKeeper as a component of our Managed Apache Kafka offering. This new offering has all the same features customers would be familiar with from Instaclustr’s other managed service offerings,”

Ben Slater
Chief Product Officer

Key features and benefits of Instaclustr Managed Apache ZooKeeper include:

  • Supports provisioning via the Instaclustr Console, Provisioning API, or via the Instaclustr Terraform provider 
  • Available initially on AWS with GCP and Azure cloud service providers to follow
  • Running ZooKeeper version to 3.5.8 
  • Access to ZooKeeper-specific monitoring metrics via our API or Console
  • 99.99% uptime SLA
  • Continuous monitoring and alerting with 24×7 comprehensive support from our Technical Operations team
  • Full documentation for customers on the support portal
  • Compliant with SOC 2 security standard

If you are a new customer, you can sign up for a free trial of Instaclustr Managed Zookeeper here. If you are a current customer, reach out to your sales or customer success representative.