• Apache Cassandra
  • News
Instaclustr for Apache Cassandra® Versions 3.11.17, 4.0.12 and 4.1.4 are now GA

NetApp is pleased to announce the general availability of Apache Cassandra® versions 3.11.17, 4.0.12 and 4.1.4 on its Instaclustr Managed Platform, maintaining the availability of the latest Cassandra application versions. These versions include a series of important fixes and improvements that enhance the stability, performance and security of your Cassandra deployments. 

Refer to the full project release notes for each version here: 3.11.17, 4.0.12 and 4.1.4. 

The main feature of these versions is that they address CVE-2023-43642 by upgrading the snappy Java to Read the related Instaclustr security advisory published on this specific vulnerability.   

Apache Cassandra versions 3.11.17, 4.0.12 and 4.1.4 are now in general availability and are the recommended choices for all new clusters. Read about the lifecycle status of Apache Cassandra versions here. 

For existing clusters on older versions, Instaclustr Support will reach out to you to schedule an upgrade

Lifecycle Policy Updates 

Following the release of the latest patch versions, the following lifecycle state changes will apply to previous versions: 

With the Release of:    Transition
Cassandra 4.1.4  Cassandra 4.1.3 will be changed from GA version to a Closed version. 
Cassandra 4.0.12  Cassandra 4.0.11 will be changed from GA version to a Legacy Support version. 
Cassandra 3.11.17  Cassandra 3.11.16 will be Deprecated. 
Cassandra 3.11.15 will be changed from Deprecated version to a Closed version. 

To view the lifecycle status of application versions, please visit our website here. You can learn about lifecycle policies here that define Instaclustr Support for offerings as they are superseded by preferred options and ultimately head toward the end of life. 

Enterprise Support Customers 

We recommend all Instaclustr Enterprise Support customers upgrade their Cassandra clusters to versions 3.11.17, 4.0.12, or 4.1.4, depending on the major version you are currently on. Upgrading to these latest Cassandra versions will ensure that you stay protected from vulnerabilities and benefit from the latest features.If you have any questions or concerns during the upgrade process, please make sure to reach out to our support team for assistance. 

Latest Apache Cassandra Version Release 

NetApp promptly releases the latest Cassandra versions following their official release by the Apache Project to ensure you benefit from the latest features and stay protected from vulnerabilities. We have also recently released the Apache Cassandra 5.0 beta version with support for Vector Search and Storage-Attached Indexes (SAI).  

Getting Started 

If you are not an existing customer, click here to sign up for a free trial to experience seamless deployments of Apache Cassandra on the Instaclustr Managed Platform. Once you have signed up, visit our documentation site to learn how to spin a Cassandra cluster with just a few clicks. 

If you have any further queries regarding this release, please contact Instaclustr Support.