• Technical
Announcing availability of ScyllaDB on the Instaclustr Managed Service

*Please note due to extremely limited customer demand, we no longer support ScyllaDB. Please contact our Sales Team should you have any further questions.

Instaclustr has released a preview of ScyllaDB on the Instaclustr Managed Service on Amazon Web Service, Microsoft Azure, and IBM SoftLayer.

Scylla is an Apache Cassandra compatible data store implemented in C++ for reduced latency and decreased hardware requirements. While Scylla is a relatively immature technology compared to Cassandra, we have had several enquiries from customers interested in evaluating Scylla and it is clearly moving rapidly to being a technology worthy of consideration for many production workloads. Our testing of the release has certainly borne out Scylla’s claims of improved throughput on similar configurations (we will publish benchmarks once we have further tuned our configuration).

As a Preview release, there are some limitations to our support for Scylla that you should be aware of:
  • None of the Scylla performance metrics are available through our console (while Scylla does provide a JMX interface compatible with Cassandra metrics performance was not sufficient for regular monitoring). Operating system metrics will be available.
  • SLAs do not apply and support is on a reasonable effort basis only.
  • Does not support authorisation or connection encryption (due to current incompatibility with our provisioning system).

We plan to evaluate the interest in, and stability of, Scylla over the next couple of months before making a decision whether to commit to moving to a full production release of Scylla.
If you have any questions regarding Instaclustr’s Scylla offering please contact [email protected].

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