Instaclustr Blog Archive
- Technical
Apache Log4j2™ java logging library vulnerability
Since the issue was uncovered, Instaclustr has been examining it in the context of our offerings to ensure the security of our customers’ data is maintained.
Learn MoreInstaclustrDecember 21, 2021 -
- Apache Kafka
- Cadence
- Dev Rel
- Technical
Spinning Your Workflows With Cadence! Part 1
Let’s start with the most basic Cadence concept, workflows. I’ll be using the cadence java client which requires you to download it and configure it to compile in your IDE of choice (I use Eclipse and Maven, and for simplicity I’ve omitted the imports). There’s a bunch of java client examples which inspired mine. First we need a workflow interface and implementation.
Learn MorePaul BrebnerDecember 17, 2021 -
- PostgreSQL
Instaclustr Releases General Availability of its Managed Service PostgreSQL®
Instaclustr is excited to announce the General Availability of our managed service for PostgreSQL, a key open source technology that joins our suite of managed service offerings. Since the acquisition of credativ in early 2021, Instaclustr and credativ have worked together to develop a PostgreSQL offering on the Instaclustr Managed Platform. After passing through our...
Learn MoreInstaclustrDecember 14, 2021 -
- Apache Kafka
- Dev Rel
- PostgreSQL
Comparison of Apache Kafka Connect, Plus Elasticsearch™/Kibana™ vs. PostgreSQL®/Apache Superset Pipelines: Conclusions (Pipeline Series Part 10)
Note that for these pipeline experiments I used Instaclustr managed Open Distro for Elasticsearch (Apache 2 license), but Instaclustr now offers Managed OpenSearch.
Learn MorePaul BrebnerDecember 10, 2021 -
- Feature Releases
- Technical
Instaclustr Announces Prometheus Monitoring API Upgrade
We are pleased to announce an upgrade to our Prometheus Monitoring API to enhance seamless integration of monitoring data from the Instaclustr Managed Platform to the Prometheus monitoring system. Prometheus is an open source monitoring solution that is very popular and widely deployed by our customer base.
Learn MoreInstaclustrDecember 09, 2021 -
- Feature Releases
- News
- Redis
Redis™ 6.2.6 and Customer-Initiated Resize Are Now Generally Available
Instaclustr is pleased to announce the general availability of Redis version 6.2.6 on the Instaclustr Platform as well as a new feature called Customer-Initiated Resize. Redis 6.2.6, released in October 2021, includes numerous bug fixes, security vulnerability fixes, and enhancements. For new customers, we recommend using this newly released version. For existing customers who are...
Learn MoreVarun GhaiDecember 08, 2021 -
- Cadence
- News
Instaclustr Releases Managed Cadence for Public Preview
Cadence is a stateful programming system that simplifies building scalable, distributed applications and workflows.
Learn MoreBen SlaterDecember 07, 2021 -
- Apache Kafka
- Feature Releases
Integrated Apache Kafka® Topic and ACL Management via the Instaclustr Provisioning API and Terraform Provider
Instaclustr is pleased to announce the general availability of extensions to our provisioning APIs and Terraform Provider to allow Apache Kafka® topic configuration and ACL management.
Learn MoreVarun GhaiDecember 01, 2021