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Instaclustr announces new AWS and GCP nodes optimized for Managed Apache Cassandra®

Instaclustr is pleased to announce new AWS and GCP nodes optimized for Managed Apache Cassandra® on the Instaclustr Platform. 

Instaclustr is increasing customer choice with the release of new Managed Cassandra node types being offered through our next-generation cloud infrastructure. Instaclustr customers can adopt these new node offerings with a simple click-through on our Console, API, or Terraform Provider, with the assurance that all Managed Cassandra features are available on the newly adopted nodes. 

Following the release of AWS Graviton2 processors for storage optimized EC2 instances, Instaclustr has released support for AWS Graviton2 local storage-based nodes for Managed Apache Cassandra. The new generation of ARM based processors are known for their improved price to performance over first-generation Graviton processors for EC2 instances. Our customers that require high throughput and low latency for their Managed Cassandra workloads can make use of these newly released nodes. 

Instaclustr has also released support of r6g.medium economical nodes running hardware supporting smaller Managed Cassandra production workloads to help our customers manage overheads of growing operations. The economical Managed Cassandra nodes are available on AWS and GCP cloud provider platforms. 

For Managed Cassandra, support has been added for the following AWS node types: 

  • r6g.medium 
  • c6gd.large 
  • Is4gn.xlarge, is4gn.2xlarge 
  • Im4gen.2xlarge, im4gen.4xlarge 

The local storage nodes and economical nodes are also available for managed Cassandra on GCP. Support has been added for GCP nodes with zonal SSD, these include: 

  • t2d-standard-2 
  • n1-standard-1, n1-standard-2 
  • n2-standard-2 
  • n2-highmem-2, n2-highmem-4, n2-highmem-8, n2-highmem-16 

Instaclustr has adopted the use of GCP t2d nodes as the cluster-threading on these GCP machines has been disabled, so one vCPU on these nodes is equivalent to an entire core. As with AWS r6g.medium nodes, the GCP t2d node is offered as an economical production node that supports smaller workloads. Instaclustr develops and tests support for new cloud infrastructure to offer our customers access to newly released market features from leading cloud providers. 

Get started with these new AWS Graviton2 or GCP nodes today through our Console, API, or Terraform Provider. Reach out to our Support team for assistance getting started with AWS Graviton2 nodes for your existing Managed Cassandra clusters. 

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