• Technical
Webinar: Instaclustr Introduction
Join Us – Introduction to Instaclustr Webinar

Thursday, May 7, 2015
8:00 – 8:30 AM (Pacific Time)Instaclustr is dedicated to providing the simplest and easiest way to run Apache Cassandra.Our hosted Cassandra and DataStax Enterprise solutions power mission-critical, highly available applications for our customers, enabling them to transform their business and engage like never before with their customers.

We power the backend of these companies allowing them to concentrate on the development of their business applications and engaging effectively with their customers.

Join us in this 30 minute webinar where we will show you:
  1. a brief overview of Instaclustr;
  2. the technology behind our Cassandra-as-a-Service;
  3. a live demo to spin up a Cassandra cluster in a few minutes.
Register Now Online 
The Instaclustr Team

Email: [email protected] | [email protected] | [email protected] 
Support Phone: +1 415 7675 744
Office Phone: +1 650 378 1260

Follow us on Twitter: @instaclustr
Visit our website: www.instaclustr.com

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