Modifiable Broker Settings
Instaclustr Apache Kafka clusters are configured with optimal settings for our managed service. If required, the following Kafka broker configuration items can be changed by submitting a support request.
Name | Description | Type | Default |
auto.create.topics.enable | Enable auto creation of topic on the server | boolean | true |
delete.topic.enable | Enables delete topic. Delete topic through the admin tool will have no effect if this config is turned off | boolean | true |
default.replication.factor | default replication factors for automatically created topics | int | 3 |
num.partitions | The default number of log partitions per topic | int | 3 |
log.retention.bytes * | The maximum size of the log before deleting it | long | -1 |
log.retention.hours * | The number of hours to keep a log file before deleting it (in hours), tertiary to property | int | 168 |
log.retention.minutes * | The number of minutes to keep a log file before deleting it (in minutes), secondary to property. If not set, the value in log.retention.hours is used | int | null | * | The number of milliseconds to keep a log file before deleting it (in milliseconds), If not set, the value in log.retention.minutes is used | long | null | | The amount of time the group coordinator will wait for more consumers to join a new group before performing the first rebalance. A longer delay means potentially fewer rebalances, but increases the time until processing begins. | int | 3000 | | The number of threads that the server uses for receiving requests from the network and sending responses to the network | int | 3 |
compression.type | Specify the final compression type for a given topic. This configuration accepts the standard compression codecs (‘gzip’, ‘snappy’, ‘lz4’). It additionally accepts ‘uncompressed’ which is equivalent to no compression; and ‘producer’ which means retain the original compression codec set by the producer. | string | producer |
* These log settings are only applicable for topics that are created via auto topic creation. These settings can be specified on a per topic basis when the topic is created explicitly.
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