Instaclustr Open Source Project Status
Instaclustr is an active contributor to the open source community. Often, this takes the form of a contribution to existing open source projects but we also at times publish and maintain relevant work ourselves. These projects are all published at
We publish projects when we think they will be useful to the community. Not all open source projects we publish will be fully production-ready and covered by our customer support. The list below classifies each of our projects according to the following statuses:
- Supported – we will assist customers in the use of this project and provide bug fixes or workarounds where they impact customers with relevant support agreements. Customers should seek support through Instaclustr’s regular support channels and issues will be addressed according to agreed SLAs.
- In Development – the project is currently in development. Projects in this status will often graduate to support as they mature but are not currently supported. If you require a support contract for these technologies then contact [email protected].
- Unsupported Tool – generally an internal tool which we have open-sourced as we think may be of use to the community. These tools fall outside the scope of support services and SLAs.
- Sample – example code illustrating the use of the technologies we provide. We endeavour to keep samples up to date as we introduce new versions of technology and will provide support for any issues where they are preventing customers from making use of our services.
- Mirror – a mirror of a project where we are not primary maintainers. We will occasionally use these to publish bug fixes for these projects ahead of acceptance by the source project. Support status is dependent on the status of the primary project.
- Archived – we are no longer maintaining this project and do not provide any support.
For all open source projects other than archived, we welcome contributions in the form of pull requests (PRs) from any member of the community and will try to review PRs in a timely manner. We also welcome all users to raise Github issues for any problems encountered and will action these as time and priorities permit.
Cassandra-fallback-authenticator |
Cassandra-exporter |
Cassandra-docker |
instaclustr-commons |
sidecar-common |
Instaclustr Icarus (cassandra-sidecar) |
TTLRemover |
cccp |
KafkaLoadGenerator |
cassandra-sstable-generator |
Instaclustr Minotaur (Cassandra Cluster Rebuild) |
Cassandra EverywhereStrategy |